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Snowshoeing with Kids: Tips for a Memorable Family Adventure

Snowshoeing with Kids: Tips for a Memorable Family Adventure

Posted by Crescent Moon on Nov 7th 2023

Winter transforms the great outdoors into a magical wonderland, and what better way to immerse your family in this snowy splendor than by going snowshoeing? Snowshoeing with kids can be a delightful and memorable family adventure, offering an opportunity to connect with nature and create lasting bonds. To ensure a fun and safe experience, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind when embarking on a snowy family escapade.

Kids Foam Snowshoes

Choose the Right Trail to Snowshoe with Kids

When you want to take the kids out on snowshoes, look for family-friendly trails that match your kids' age and skill level. Shorter, flatter routes with minimal elevation gain are ideal for beginners. Check the trail conditions, weather, and accessibility before you go. Making sure these factors are suitable for snowshoeing with kids will help ensure success. 

The Right Gear for a Kids Snowshoe Adventure is Key

Dress your kids in layers to stay warm, as winter temperatures can be quite chilly. Ensure they have waterproof and insulated boots, warm gloves, and moisture-wicking socks. Don't forget to equip them with suitable snowshoes sized for their weight and age. Our kid's foam snowshoes are the perfect pair to get kids started and continue to be perfect even as they gain skill and ability. 

Kids foam snowshoes - blue

Snowshoe Safety is Imperative When Bringing Kids

When you snowshoe with kids, prioritize safety by carrying essential gear, including a first aid kit, navigation tools (map and compass or GPS), a fully charged mobile phone, and an emergency whistle. Teach your kids basic safety rules, such as staying together and what to do if they get separated from the group.

Snowshoeing can be physically demanding, especially for young adventurers. Plan for regular snack breaks to keep their energy levels up. Pack nutritious and easily accessible snacks like trail mix, granola bars, and fruit.

Practice Your Kid's Snowshoe Techniques

Spend some time before your trip teaching basic snowshoe techniques to your kids. Show them how to walk, turn, and ascend and descend slopes. Familiarize them with the snowshoe gear and encourage them to ask questions. The more comfortable your kids are on snowshoes ahead of time, the better your outing will go. 

Kid’s Snowshoes – Volt Green

Embrace Your Kids Desire to Explore Nature

Encourage curiosity and exploration. Kids often find delight in discovering animal tracks, winter flora, and unique snow formations. Take time to explore the natural wonders you encounter along the trail.

Snowshoeing is not just about walking; it's also about playing in the snow. Allocate time for snowball fights, building snow forts, or creating snow angels. These activities add fun and excitement to the adventure.

Teach Kids Leave-No-Trace Principles

Instill a sense of environmental responsibility in your kids. Teach them about Leave-No-Trace principles, such as packing out all trash, avoiding trampling on vegetation, and respecting wildlife.

Snowshoeing with kids is a fantastic way to introduce them to the joys of winter and the beauty of the great outdoors. It provides an opportunity for families to bond, learn, and create lasting memories. By following these tips and fostering a sense of curiosity and respect for nature, you can ensure that your snowshoeing adventures will be memorable and enjoyable for the whole family. Embrace the winter wonderland and embark on an adventure your kids will treasure for years to come.

Check out all of our foam snowshoes, aluminum snowshoes and snowshoe accessories.

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